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We are design driven artists and storytellers, who believe that any kind of message can be transformed into moving images. In order to help your business achieve new heights in this digital era, we make sure the quality of the products meet the expectation.
Video content is no longer an up and coming marketing tool, but a requirement for all businesses. We have more than 5 years experience in creative industry, especially video content. We combine audio and visual experience so the audience can understand the message and feel even the most complex processes in an instant.
What They Say
“Byframe works professionally and on time. Very attentive to details and according to our expectations.”
Calvindoro Chrisna, Garena Product Lead
“Great video! It was pleasing in the eye and easier to understand the video message.”
Tri Wahyu Astuti, Kabag BNNP Jabar
“Video yang dibuat sesuai ekspektasi dan menarik , membuat penjelasan jadi lebih detail dan mudah dimengerti.”
Ishak Raven, Asetku Senior Relationship Manager
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